Some of my fondest memories of my childhood stem from when I was playing outside with all of the kids from my neighborhood. As I grew older and had children of my own, I wanted to ensure they could create the same wonderful childhood memories. My wife and I were fortunate enough to find not just a house, but a home and community.
When couples marry and start a family, they often decide to purchase a home. They will sit down and list their “must haves” for this new home and the community they want to live in. All of us share a list of “must haves,” including great schools, safe neighborhood and high quality of life.
Metro Atlanta, as with most major metropolitan areas, suffers from traffic congestion. Sitting in traffic impacts economic competitiveness, air quality, fuel efficiency, family time and safety. Let me share my vision for disrupting this pattern and changing the game.
The issue is something I like to refer to as, “The One-Sixth Opportunity.” Between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 am, the majority of us begin our commute to work and school. Then, between the hours of 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm, we begin our commutes home. These two blocks of time equal four hours, 1/6, of each day where it consistently takes more time to commute. I can argue we don’t have a capacity problem as much as a timing issue. We cannot add unlimited lanes to our roads and need to be creative.
The 2015 legislative session came to a close on April 2, 2015 and the Governor’s 40 day window to sign or veto legislation ended on May 12, 2015. Improving education throughout Georgia was one of important topics during this year’s session and providing an increase in funding for education was a centerpiece of 2016 Fiscal Year Budget.
Every student in Georgia has individual circumstances that shape their lives and following the traditional high school path may not be an option. For this reason, the Georgia Senate passed several pieces of legislation that allow these non-traditional students to follow their own paths to success.
An educated and skilled workforce is critical to the success of Georgia. For many jobs, a college degree is now a mandatory requirement for salaried positions in corporate America. With the increase in society’s expectations has come an increase in tuition costs.
College tuition and associated fees have skyrocketed over the past two decades. This exponential and unsustainable rate is causing increased hardships for students and families. With online options and increased student enrollment, the cost of college should be dropping. Instead, the costs continue to increase at an alarming rate.
A major focus of the 2015 legislative session is improving the transportation options in Georgia. I have met and listened to scores of people; and I believe consensus exists. First, allow me to identify the problem. In Georgia, we have a growing population (5th fastest growing nationally for decades) resulting in congested roadways and infrastructure needing repair. In contrast, we spend the least per capita of all 50 states on transportation needs. Ultimately, we need to assure public safety while citizens and goods flow through our state. Secondly, we need to set parameters. Georgians overwhelmingly oppose a tax increase, including me. Lastly, the public deserves accountability and transparency with the funds used to solve these challenges.
The recession of 2008 struck the entire country with a swift blow below the economy’s belt. Recovery has been difficult to say the least, and individual states have gone to great lengths to strengthen the quality of life for their citizens. Georgia is at the forefront of these movements, and has not only met expectations, but has exceeded plans for economic development. Unfortunately, the federal government as a whole has fallen behind. I look forward to better results with the new Congress sworn in earlier this year.
On January 12, senators and representatives flocked to the Gold Dome and gathered in their respective chambers to begin the first term of the 153rd Legislative Session. Every year, senators come together to discuss, vet and pass legislation that affects every Georgian. It is our job to ensure that Georgia remains the superb state it has always been. I am proud to represent you at the Capitol for another term.
The world we live in today is not the same one we were in 10 years ago. Now, everything is digital and technologically driven. Why, with all of the technological innovations intended to make our lives easier, are our children still carrying backpacks filled with heavy textbooks?
In the November 2014 elections, the people spoke and their voices could not be louder nor their words any clearer. They want positive and conservative solutions to issues arising here in Georgia and across the nation. This year, we welcome 10 new senators, each of whom I look forward to working with during the upcoming legislative session. On January 12, legislators will officially be sworn into office as the General Assembly marks the beginning of a new 40-day legislative term.
Let me begin by saying thank you to: God, my family, campaign team and supporters for another successful election.
I am humbled and thrilled to continue my service to you in the Georgia Senate. I will continue to work tirelessly for you and with a sense of urgency to protect, defend and promote the principles of our great state and nation.
I believe it is time to usher in a new era of social responsibility and accountability by changing the way Georgians think about the function of government assistance.
Welfare-related programs were always intended to support responsible, short-term assistance by providing a "hand-up" as opposed to a "hand-out." I believe most Georgians and Americans are compassionate and desire to help others. I personally serve in many charitable organizations and believe the faith-based and civic communities do a much better job than government.
I love parades. There is something nostalgic and satisfying about the entire process. Parades combine some of my favorite things: community, patriotism, family, faith and simply being involved. We have several great parades in our local area each year.
July 4th has a myriad of options in Woodstock, Dunwoody, Canton, Marietta, etc. Every August we enjoy the Old Soldier's Day parade in Alpharetta. The Youth Day Parade in Roswell commands a large crowd in the fall; and in December, the Johns Creek Founder's Day parade wraps up the year.
This November, Georgians have a chance to make their voices heard in a number of important elections that will define our state for years to come. With the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Georgia State Senate and House of Representatives, and every constitutional officer up for election, it has never been more important for Georgians to get to their local polls to vote.
We are at a critical juncture in our state's history, where opponents of economically friendly policies want voters to "switch course" and support ideologies that have failed Americans time and time again. Now, more than ever, we need eligible voters at the polls to uphold traditional values that encourage job creation and limited government intrusion.
You cannot watch or read the news these days without hearing of a high-ranking federal scandal. Within a few months of each other, explosive headlines blew the lid off massive corruption taking place on the federal government's watch. From the breach in national security at our U.S. Embassy in Benghazi to the IRS' intentional targeting of conservative groups, the federal government continues to amass more power with little to no accountability.
When many people think of Georgia, they are reminded of the 1996 Olympic Games, the world's busiest airport, fresh-picked peaches, and warm summers with endless pitchers of sweet tea. In fact, you can't listen to the radio these days without hearing mention of the Peach State. Like an old, sweet song made famous by legendary recording artist Ray Charles, we all seem to have "Georgia on our Mind" — and businesses have taken notice.
The Georgia General Assembly conducted efficient business at the Gold Dome this year, wrapping up the 2014 Legislative Session in mid-March. I am proud to highlight the following bills that passed during the 2014 session, many of which have already been signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal.
The 2014 Legislative Session of the Georgia General Assembly adjourned at midnight on March 20. It was a moment of celebration that closed months of hard work at the State Capitol.
The last day of the legislative session, on Day 40, is also known as Sine Die. On Sine Die, the House and Senate remain in their respective chambers to deliberate and vote on important pieces of legislation until midnight.
The 2014 Legislative Session has flown by at a rapid pace. In the opening days of March, the Georgia General Assembly reached Day 30, otherwise known as “Crossover Day.” Procedurally, if a bill hasn’t passed through either the House or the Senate by Day 30, it must be re-introduced the following legislative year.On Crossover Day, the General Assembly was in session until close to 6:30 p.m. as we worked to consider 27 pieces of legislation that were placed on the Senate calendar.
Volunteering in our community to serve others is a passion of mine. It is an honor and privilege to use my God-given talents for the sake of others. North Fulton and Cherokee are full of great communities and the opportunities to get involved are abundant. I serve on dozens of charitable organizations and boards, and find an intense joy making a positive difference.