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What Is the Atlanta Regional Commission?

Since 1947, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has been tasked with facilitating coordination, planning, and funding across jurisdictions throughout metro Atlanta for the 11-county Atlanta region. The ARC's work portfolio includes regional transportation planning, aging services, community development, water resources management, workforce devel...

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  132 Hits


Congratulations 2025 Award WinnersAll winners will receive an award certificate and a copy of the award logo to share on their social media platforms and company websites. In addition, the contact information for each winning business will be promoted as a Best of Life winner at Medical Practitioner/Family Medicine/Inte...

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Woodstock’s Generational Infrastructure Investment

In my first State of the City Address, just 21 days into the job, I promised you orange cones. Traffic and parking were the top two issues that citizens brought to my attention during my campaign, and we were getting into position to make the largest infrastructure investments in our city's history to address them. In the last two and half years, t...

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Foster Friendly Woodstock

In the State of Georgia, there are now approximately 12,100 children and youth in foster care. The number of foster children in Cherokee County has reached a record high of 485.Coinciding with the increase in children who need safe, loving, stable homes, our state is facing a critical shortage of foster families. There is an even more critical need...

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Woodstock’s FY 2025

Every year, the Woodstock City Council is tasked with passing a fiscally responsible, balanced budget for the City of Woodstock. On June 10, the Council passed the budget ordinance, which I signed. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget will take effect on July 1, 2024, and end on June 30, 2025. The most accurate way to assess someone's priorities is to ...

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Woodstock Named Among the Most Tech-Forward Cities in the World

In March of this year, I was invited to attend Taiwan's 2024 Smart City Summit & Expo to speak on two panels. The first was a panel of Taiwanese and American city leaders, speaking about how our cities think about technology and planning for a successful future. The second panel was on "Best Practices Using AI" in the public sector. I am very p...

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Woodstock’s Citizen-First Culture

Recently, I was asked to answer a question for an award that Woodstock was nominated for regarding how City staff and Woodstock's elected officials prioritize listening to the community. Throughout my time as an elected public servant, I've held more open town hall meetings than any other elected official in Georgia, so this question felt near and ...

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2024 State of the City Address Recap

Every seat was filled at Woodstock Arts Theatre at this year's State of the City Address, as more than 200 people came to hear about Woodstock's accomplishments in the past year and the exciting things that lie ahead. This address is one of my favorite parts of this job, and I work hard to deliver an update that conveys how exciting our city has be...

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Woodstock’s Full Faith and Credit Upgraded

Last November, Moody's lowered its official outlook on the credit of the United States federal government from "stable" to "negative." They cited large financial deficits and declining debt affordability as key factors driving this decision, calling into question our federal government's appetite for fiscal consolidation and debt reduction at any t...

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  451 Hits

Tax Rate Rollback Woodstock City Council Puts Residents First

At a time when inflation has impacted every American's buying power and home prices have skyrocketed, Woodstock residents owe our city council a big "thank you!" City of Woodstock is the only local government I know in the state that has chosen not to raise taxes by fully rolling back the millage rate this year. The city council has chosen to put f...

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Referendum on Woodstock’s Parks Bond Investment

In November's municipal election this year, voters in Woodstock will be asked to make the decision on whether to make the largest single investment in our parks and trails in the city's history. The City Council approved a resolution, which asks voters to decide on a $24 million bond opportunity to complete all phases of Little River Park and expan...

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  480 Hits

Woodstock’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget

Of Woodstock City Council's many important duties, the most critical is the passage of a fiscally responsible, balanced budget every year. On June 12, the Council passed the budget ordinance, which I signed. This action provides our government with its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget, which is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. The Council...

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  527 Hits

Woodstock's Creative Business Home

Over the last few months, I've been sharing the stories of Woodstock's unsung heroes, the industrious visionaries who toil away behind the scenes, molding and shaping our community into something truly extraordinary. This month, I want to introduce you to a special place right in the heart of our beloved city, Made Mercantile.Settled among the clas...

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Honoring Volunteers

Over the last two months during City Council meetings, I had the opportunity to honor several Boy Scouts from Troop 625 and Girl Scouts from Troop 14665 for earning the illustrious President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). Established in 2003 by the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation, the PVSA was created to recognize the outs...

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  527 Hits

The Importance of Woodstock’s Parks and Trails

One of the largest drivers of the City of Woodstock's success, both in an economic sense and in its higher quality of life, has been our focus on parks and recreation. My three main goals for Woodstock this year revolve around making homeownership more widely available, attracting additional high paying jobs and employers to our city, and expanding...

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  547 Hits

Woodstock’s Thriving Arts Scene

For more than 100 years, April 15 has been tax day in America. As a business owner, I share your bad feelings about the day. This year, I'm choosing to focus on another celebration taking place that day. Did you know that April 15 is also World Art Day? I'm no artist. I can't sing or draw, and those who have heard my Spotify playlist have been quic...

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  543 Hits

Mayor Michael Caldwell Delivers State of the City 2023 Address

Mayor Michael Caldwell delivered his 2023 State of the City address in January. In his speech, he highlighted the City of Woodstock's accomplishments in 2022 and outlined his priorities for 2023. "This month marks the dawn of a new quarter century in our city's story, and I mean for us to meet it head on. We will not pass on this day's challenges t...

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  636 Hits

What Does the Mayor Do? (+ Other Woodstock Officials)

One of the most common questions I'm asked is "what does a mayor do?" Article IX of the Constitution of Georgia, which guarantees the right of "Home Rule" to citizens and the more than 500 cities in our state, enables local governments to pass their own laws and govern within the constitutional bounds and limitations set by the legislature. Each ci...

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  596 Hits

Transparent and Accessible Government in Woodstock

Making government more accessible and information more available to citizens has been a core value for me during my time in both the House of Representatives and as Woodstock's mayor. While in the legislature, I pioneered transparency measures in campaign finance by sharing daily, down-to-the-penny financial updates online. I was the first to live-...

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  491 Hits

Happy 125th Birthday, Woodstock!

 On December 8, the city of Woodstock will celebrate its 125th birthday! In the northern arc of metro Atlanta, it isn't rare to come across a city that is younger than my second grader. By comparison, our city has a rich history and a compelling story. As our tourism department will remind you, it truly is "A City Unexpected." In the early 19t...

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  588 Hits