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Senate Bill 48 Dyslexia Support in Georgia’s Schools

The 155th Georgia General Assembly has come to a close, and I am impressed with the meaningful bills we were able to turn into effective laws over the 40-day legislative session. One piece of successful legislation is particularly important to me – Senate Bill 48. This bill addresses dyslexia support in Georgia’s schools, and I commend Senator P.K. Martin for his leadership in sponsoring this bill and carrying it all the way to the governor’s desk. SB 48 provides specific guidance for schools to identify dyslexia in young students and continued training for school officials and teachers to learn about dyslexia in order to produce better-supported students.In the fall of 2018, former Senator Fran Millar led the Senate Study Committee on Dyslexia. This committee was formed to revise a previously existing law that simply “encouraged schools, local education agencies, and state educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has a profound educational impact.” Upon hearing from educators, parents, medical professionals, and experts in dyslexia, the committee found that children with language difficulties that continue into kindergarten are at a higher risk of dyslexia. One in five students has a language-based disability, of which dyslexia is the most common. After expert testimony, as well as hearing from students who have dyslexia and the impact it has on their daily lives, the committee recommended the following:

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The First Term of the 155th General Assembly

The first term of the 155th General Assembly is well underway, and we hit the ground running. With a new governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state, we are starting the 2019 Legislative Session with a fresh slate. So far, I have already introduced two new pieces of legislation, Senate Bill 15 and Senate Resolution 12. Both pieces of legislation address an issue of utmost importance to all Georgians: school safety. Both were drafted from recommendations gathered by the Senate School Safety Study Committee that I chaired during the 2018 interim.I was reappointed chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee and am proud to begin work this session. SB 15, the “Keeping Georgia’s Schools Safe Act,” will address the offenses of minors in possession of a firearm, focus on data sharing through the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center, and create a statewide requirement for schools to employ threat assessment measures. These measures include conducting drills and providing coaching for students and teachers as well as training teachers or staff about the appropriate action to take when a threat is believed to be present. This will increase preparedness in schools while making it easier for teachers to identify when and where they should report certain threats.

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Georgia’s Economic Strength

The stability of our economy is something that we continue to strive for, and the rate at which our nation, and Georgia specifically, is developing has exponentially exceeded my expectations. This did not happen by accident. We’ve been working diligently in the Georgia Senate to pass strong economic development legislation to support job creation. Government does not create jobs, but we can create an environment for success. Decreasing unemployment rates is a goal in our state and nation every year, but this is only a piece of the overall puzzle in terms of state and national economic development.Georgia has been named the No. 1 state in the country to do business for the fifth consecutive year. Last November, Site Selection, an economic development trade publication, ranked Georgia’s business climate as No. 1 for the sixth consecutive year. According to their records, “Georgia is the first state to hold this ranking for six consecutive years under leadership by the same governor.” There are many reasons for this; here are a few:

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Senate School Safety Study Committee’s Final Recommendations

When the 2018 Legislative Session adjourned, my colleagues and I began our work on the Senate School Safety Study Committee, which I chaired. We spent our time during the interim visiting different Georgia high schools across the state to help find solutions to some of the safety concerns they face. The committee met at five different high schools over the course of five months to hear presentations, commentary, and proposed ideas. We considered what we can do to ensure that our students, teachers, and other personnel go to school knowing that they are protected and that there is a plan in place in case of emergency. Of the many proposals discussed, we compiled a list of recommendations for the General Assembly to take into consideration during the 2019 Legislative Session.The three areas the committee wanted to highlight included crisis prevention; physical security of buildings, facilities, and buses; and emergency response. When discussing crisis prevention, a major factor we considered was the mental health status of our students. We are currently relying on our school counselors to not only help guide students through their high school years and set them up for collegiate success, but also address their mental health. By providing additional funding for students to have trained mental health professionals, we can help our students get the attention and guidance they need in each specific area.

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Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

Yes, I said it, and everyone should: Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy New Year! From the Albers family to your family, we wish you tidings of joy and blessings into 2019.In January, we return to legislative session. I am busy preparing legislation and serving constituents. I find a unique perspective with the cooler weather and the holiday spirit all around us. December is a month during which we often find ourselves giving more, smiling more, and surrounding ourselves with loved ones. This time of year serves as a reminder to be thankful for the many blessings we have and to serve others who may not be as fortunate.

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Positive News for Georgia!

It has almost been six months since the General Assembly adjourned from the 2018 Legislative Session, and so many new pieces of legislation are in the making. There is a lot to look forward to in the months to come, as we gear up for another successful session. That being said, I want to reflect on some of the major highlights in Georgia over the past eight years. We are continuing on an upward path of building a greater, stronger Georgia, but I want to remind you of the great and strong Georgia that we have already worked so hard to become.This year, Georgia was named the number one state in which to do business for the fifth consecutive year. We have seen growth across the board in many different industries, especially the film industry. More and more companies are relocating to Georgia every day, and our native Georgia companies are continuing to expand and thrive in our state.

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Ballot Questions

We are a month away from the general election on November 6, 2018. Along with electing statewide offices like governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state, each of you will also be voting for your U.S. Congress representative, and Georgia Senate and House representatives. Additionally, there are five constitutional amendments that will appear on the ballot along with referendum questions addressing Fulton County property tax assessments. I was proud to sponsor and support each of these important initiatives.

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Planning for the 2019 Legislative Session

Since the 2018 Legislative Session wrapped up in late March, we have been busy with study committee meetings and preparing to pre-file legislation for the 2019 Legislative Session.The Georgia Senate School Safety Study Committee, which I chair, has met four times around the state. I sponsored Senate Resolution 935, which created this study committee. Members of the Study Committee have been traveling the state and meeting with all stakeholders to determine ways that each community can keep their schools and children safe. The Committee’s goal and job throughout the meetings has been to listen, compile information, and make actionable suggestions to be included in a report of findings and recommendations, including proposed legislation. Additionally, a Committee website was launched: All interested parties are encouraged to visit the website to provide feedback for Committee members to review, compile, and consider before recommendations are made in preparation for the 2019 Legislative Session.

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School Safety Is Paramount

After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, our nation had to make our buildings more secure, specifically government buildings, and we did just that. And after 9/11 in 2001, we had to make our airports and airplanes more secure, and we did just that. Unfortunately, in today’s environment, we must put a focus on making our schools safer than they have ever been before. As a parent and senator, I am working tirelessly to rectify this situation. It is important to note that school safety has always been a priority, but just like adjustments had to be made after the bombing in 1995 and 9/11, we must do more to make our schools as safe as possible. It is our moral obligation.To begin this process in Georgia, I sponsored Senate Resolution 935 during the 2018 Legislative Session to create the Senate School Safety Study Committee. I serve as the chairman of the nine-member committee that is traveling the state and meeting with local leaders, school officials, teachers, students, law enforcement officials, and other stakeholders to determine ways that each community can keep their schools and children safe. During our journey around the state, our main goal is to listen. We realize that school safety is an important topic that everyone wants to address, so we plan to visit different areas of the state to hear what they are currently doing in regard to school safety and where they see a need for improvement.

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American Dream Letter

To my sons Will & Ryan,

We are truly blessed to live in our great country. Our founding fathers were divinely inspired men of great wisdom. The ideals and governance they conceived into our republic have led to the greatest nation in history. Our founding principles and historical documents combine to create a unique recipe for success, allowing for independence, freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have the platform, but every person and generation must be accountable and responsible to our cause. Don’t let socialism or fascism ever challenge what we know to be right. There are those who will work hard to do little. You need to work tirelessly and climb mountains!My values are strongly rooted in my faith and conservatism. I believe in hard work, accountability, small government, lower taxes, compassion, innovation, serving others, and generosity. You can do anything in our great land – and I challenge you both to be great at whatever you do. Wherever you serve (e.g. business, church, military, government, community, family), do so with tenacity, compassion, and a sense of urgency. Make a real difference in others’ lives, and you will reap the benefits. Help people by giving them a hand up and not a hand out because true compassion is doing what is best for people, not what is easiest.

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Fulton County Tax Update 2018

One of my goals leading into the 2018 Legislative Session was to address the issue many residents in Fulton County have faced for several years – a systemic problem with not only the 2017 property tax assessments, but with issues that have involved the Fulton County Tax Assessor’s Office for many years. During the summer of 2017, the department came under scrutiny for not only the very high and inaccurate property tax assessments but also unfrozen appeals, members not working well together, lawsuits, etc.After the Senate State and Local Governmental Operations Committee meeting, which I chaired at the time, the Fulton County Commission issued a reversal for the 2017 property tax assessments. Although that was a victory for the 2017 assessments, I knew that our work was not finished with this important issue. Following the meeting, I met with members of the Fulton County Delegation, Commission, City Council and the community to seek input on steps moving forward. At these meetings, I notified those in attendance that my next step was to introduce legislation that would change the law for Fulton County on how property tax assessments are processed.

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Senate Passes Largest Income Tax Reduction in Over 75 Years

During the 2018 Legislative Session, the Senate worked diligently to improve the lives of Georgians across the state. This year, we made history and passed the largest income tax reduction in over 75 years through House Bill 918. These updates to Georgia’s tax code will be the first to the individual income tax rate since 1937 and the first to the business rate since 1969.

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Serving Your Community

We are currently in the midst of the 2018 legislative session. In the coming months, I will have more specific updates on the bills and resolutions that passed and may impact you. This month, I have focused on our community and serving others. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best, "Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"

Volunteering in our community is a passion of mine. It is an honor and privilege to use my God-given talents for the sake of others. North Fulton is full of great communities, and the opportunities to get involved are abundant. I serve on dozens of charitable organizations and boards, and I find an intense joy in making a positive difference.

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Commissioner and Department of Fire Safety and Potential State Income Tax Removal

The 2018 Legislative Session is well under way at the State Capitol. My colleagues and I have been busy with constituent visits to the Capitol, vetting proposed legislation in committee meetings, and debating and voting on legislation on the senate floor. We have been discussing and reviewing several issues including property taxes, the proposal of removing the state income tax, and the creation of the Commissioner and Department of Fire Safety.

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Legislative Session 2018

The 2018 legislative session and 155th General Assembly will convene on January 8. During the upcoming session, my colleagues and I plan to address several key topics. Along with new legislation, we will review reports from the study committees that have been meeting during the interim.

I sponsored Senate Resolution (SR) 222, creating the Senate Special Tax Exemption Study Committee, which is comprised of six Senate members who have been working with the Department of Revenue, Senate Research, Pew Charitable Trust and others to examine the costs and benefits of all state tax exemptions. The goal of the committee is to ensure that each exemption has the potential for a Return on Investment (ROI). We worked hard to address any outdated exemptions that may hurt businesses while ensuring that exemptions that benefit Georgia’s economy and businesses, big and small, are properly utilized and promoted.

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The Spirit of Giving

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year! Too often, we are caught up in "political correctness" and miss the reason for the season. I am proud to wish you true tidings of joy! To my Jewish friends, may the light of the season illuminate your life as bright as the menorah.

December is a busy month preparing for the upcoming 2018 legislative session. I am sponsoring several important pieces of legislation to create jobs, empower a responsible society and be excellent stewards of taxpayer dollars.

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What it Means to be a Public Servant

When I think of what it means to be a public servant, I think of men and women who want to make a difference and have a positive impact on the lives of others. They want to do the best they can for the people who elected them and who they represent at different levels of government. People who put their name on the ballot to run for public office are volunteering for a position that will allow them to give a voice and power to their fellow community members. They truly believe they can make a difference for their local community, state and nation.

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Tax Exemption Study — The Three Bucket System

During the 2017 Legislative Session, I sponsored Senate Resolution 222, which created the Senate Special Tax Exemption Study Committee. I was appointed by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle to serve as chairman of the six member committee. Members of the study committee are working hard with the Department of Revenue, Senate Research, Pew Charitable Trusts and others to examine the costs, benefits and purpose of all current state tax exemptions. The study committee is responsible for submitting a report of findings and recommendations, including proposed legislation, by December 1, 2017.The committee is holding meetings throughout the state to properly and thoroughly give stakeholders, citizens and any interested parties opportunities to attend the meetings and provide input. It is our goal to ensure that each exemption has the potential for a return on investment (ROI). We will work hard to address any outdated exemptions that may hurt businesses while ensuring that exemptions that benefit Georgia’s economy and businesses, big and small, are properly utilized and promoted.

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New GA Laws on the Books

This summer, over 100 bills went into effect as Georgia law. While there are certainly bills that made the headlines, there are also several bills that didn’t receive as much attention that you need to be aware of. Below is list of some of the laws that could directly affect you, your family or your neighbors. They were passed by both the Senate and House, were signed by Governor Deal, and went into effect on July 1:

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You Can Catch More Flies With Honey…

Summer is often a time when Americans across the country are able to sit back and relax, as they enjoy a reprieve from the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life. The kids are out of school, families start taking vacations, and we are able to focus more on the things that truly make us happy. This summer, I’ve had the chance to reflect on what the past few months of my life have been like and have thought seriously about the current state of our country.

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