Happy Independence Day! Each year on this day, it’s true that we come together for barbeques, fireworks and family time to celebrate this historic event, but it means much more than that. For me, July 4th stands for freedom – a privilege that Americans have and the rest of the world strives to emulate. In some places around the world, people don’t have the right to think, believe, speak, worship or act as they choose. Fortunately for those of us who live in the U.S., we are free to do any of these things, which allows us the opportunity to pursue our dreams.
The 2017 legislative session was very busy and productive with both chambers vetting, debating and passing legislation that will have a positive impact on how Georgians live, work and play.
I enjoy my time at the Capitol because I get to work on a wide range of issues and properly vet legislation that will help promote economic growth within our local community and throughout the state. My colleagues and I try to focus on doing what is best for our constituents, and often times, that means putting differences aside and working together.
On Monday, May 29th, we take a break from our busy lives to remember our greatest heroes, those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and preserve our freedom and liberty. This day, we pause as Americans to remember and give thanks.
Each year, Memorial Day fills me with emotion and pride. The Roswell Remembers event is hosted by my rotary club as well as many other patriotic events in Milton, Alpharetta, Woodstock and across the nation. Come join me and my family at Roswell City Hall, starting at 10:00am, for the largest ceremony in the southeast United States.
As elected officials, our primary goal is to ensure the safety of our constituents, whether it is financial, legal or physical. I believe the best way to do this is by supporting local law enforcement. These brave individuals answer the call no matter the time of day or night, and we, as citizens, owe them our gratitude.
We can do this in a couple different ways, and I take pride in sponsoring legislation to protect our finest and in being able to recognize these brave citizens by honoring the best of Georgia’s law enforcement with Senate Resolutions. These Resolutions recognize these brave men and women in the Senate chamber, thereby codifying their dedication to our great state. No one deserves an honor such as this more than our law enforcement officers who put everything on the line, every single day, for perfect strangers.
The 154th General Assembly convened on January 9th, and the Georgia Senate is prepared to start off the 2017 session on the right foot. Our majority caucus outlined six priorities that Senate Republicans hope to work toward during this legislative session. Each was designed with the peoples’ interests in mind, because Georgia’s priorities are our priorities.
First, we want to evaluate how our state agencies are operating. In doing so, we hope to find ways to eliminate redundant work, improve communication with regulated parties, and constantly re-evaluate how best to limit government intervention in the private sphere. We also plan to speed up the process by which parties obtain professional licenses and eliminate taxes that cost more money to collect than they generate. Overall, we want to make it easier to start and run a business because we know that if business grows, Georgians will grow with it.
On January 9, 2017, the Georgia General Assembly convened for the first term of the 154th Legislative Session, and I had the privilege of being sworn in for my fourth term.
From the start of the session, the Senate and the House of Representatives will meet for fourty days to discuss, vet and vote on legislation. During the interim, I worked to draft the “Bring Back Small Business” legislation, which is designed to reduce the regulatory burden small businesses face. It will create a one-stop shop for all small businesses when it comes to permit processing and applications and will provide incentives for small business owners who hire new staff.
Our country’s national anthem is played at sporting events, holidays, festivals, political events and military bases throughout the country and the world. When it is played, it signifies our independence, support for our military, first responders and the privilege we have to be living in the greatest country in the world. For most, the “Star Spangled Banner” is chill-inducing and brings pride to those who hear it. However, for a select few, our anthem is a way to protest current events and political agendas. But thankfully, for most, it is an honor to stand with pride and put their hand on their heart in support of the anthem and the men and women who risk their lives daily for our freedom and this great nation.
Winning the war on terror is more important than ever. It’s a war being fought at home and around the globe. Our nation and our liberties have come under attack in places like California and Orlando where lives were lost as a result of terrorist activities. It’s imperative that we stay alert, and realize that each one of us plays an important role in preventing and fighting the biggest threat to our security, our freedoms and our way of life.
It’s more evident than ever before that radical Islam is a problem that must be recognized, addressed and combated. With that said, it’s important to remember that not all Muslims are terrorists, but the sad reality is that all the terrorists conducting these attacks have been followers of Islam. Those who choose to perform terroristic attacks do not represent an entire religion. They’re fanatics who must be defeated.
I struggle with words to describe the grave events happening in America and around the world this summer. I fell to my knees to pray on several occasions. Investigations will be conducted, and we’ll look for answers, but no answer will change the past. I reject the notion that a few bad people will divide our nation, the pundits and press sensationalizing every moment, creating additional controversy, and the leaders and groups who will use these tragedies for personal gain. We’ll mourn those who lost their lives, take a deep breath, and move forward. We are citizens of the greatest nation on earth, and with great resolve, better days are still ahead. May God bless the fallen.
It’s time to drop the labels; we’re all Americans and part of the human race. Physical features should not define us. It’s foolish and divisive. During the memorial service for five Dallas police officers, Former President George W. Bush accurately stated, “Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
During the 2016 Legislative Session, we dealt with a number of significant issues and passed several pieces of legislation that will have a positive impact on the lives of our citizens.
The growth and success of our education system remains a top priority. We made progress in ensuring that teachers and students are evaluated properly this past session. Senate Bill 364 reduces the percentage that student growth accounts for in the evaluations of teachers. Also, multiple, formative student assessments will now be used in place of an end-of-grade assessment. Growth in student achievement is critical to the future of this great state. We must do all we can to ensure that educators and students are evaluated with a fair system, and that we eliminate excessive testing.
On July 4th, across our nation, families and friends enjoy precious time together and celebrate our nation’s birth. It’s a day when liberty and laughter go hand-in-hand. While we can acknowledge our challenges, we’re happy and proud, and why not? We’re free and know the best days of America are yet to come.
Across America, in towns both big and small, we’re reminded of what a diverse, yet united, country we celebrate. Each in its own special way will carry out a wish expressed by one of the Founding Fathers 240 years ago.
The Georgia General Assembly ended the 2016 legislative session by setting a record. We officially adjourned at 12:30 am, which is the latest adjournment time in history. We worked hard to pass legislation that will positively affect the lives of my constituents and all citizens of Georgia.
At the beginning of each year, the Republican Senate Caucus gathers to determine what our top priorities are for the upcoming legislative session. This year, our primary goal was to protect Georgians. We recognized the need to protect teachers’ ability to teach, the future of the disabled and our state’s small businesses. Throughout this session, we passed many bills that support the efforts we outlined and that will help many Georgians feel physically and financially safe and safe from an overreaching government.
There has been no shortage of vetting, debating and passing legislation during the 2016 Legislative Session. Several key pieces have been passed and will have a positive effect on Georgia.
One of the bills to win approval was Senate Bill 277, which clarifies that neither a franchisee nor a franchisee’s employee can be considered an employee of the franchisor. I sponsored SB 277 to protect and support small business owners and to give them the power to maintain control of their business operations. Local control allows the small businesses to achieve their goals of growth and prosperity. Small businesses drive the positive progress of our economy, and we must continue to do all we can to support their success.
I am baffled and amazed at the lack of facts and logic used to support issues. Often, issues are being justified by using a “red herring.” A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue.
We are a nation of immigrants. A nation that was forged mostly by people fleeing Europe and looking for a place they could live freely, with a government of people elected by the people. We started with nothing but the ideals of the settlers who came here centuries ago. Those ideals have turned our nation into the strongest, most prosperous and most diverse in the world. Since then, people have continued to relocate their families to our great land to pursue the American dream.
Happy New Year! This past year has been nothing short of exciting! During the 2015 legislative session, we passed several bills that have made an impact on citizens throughout Georgia, including Ava’s Law, Haleigh’s Hope Act and the Transportation Funding Act, just to name a few.
Since session ended in April, legislators have been at the capitol discussing hot button issues that will likely arise during the 2016 legislative session. These topics include developing a clear process for creating cities, studying the availability of women’s healthcare throughout Georgia and looking at different ways we can preserve the HOPE Scholarship for future generations.
On January 8, 1964, during his State of the Union Address, President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it, above all, to prevent it.”
This statement was the goal of an effort LBJ dubbed the “War on Poverty,” a war we still continue to battle 51 years later. There were four main pieces of legislation designed to fight the War on Poverty. There was the Social Security Amendments of 1965 (mainly Medicare and Medicaid), the Food Stamps Act of 1964, the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, now known as “No Child Left Behind.”
This Thanksgiving, we have much to be thankful for as fellow Georgians and citizens of this great nation. It’s easy to take for granted the many blessings we have in our lives. Kari and I lost many good friends and family this year to heaven. Many times, it takes a tragedy for all of us to truly appreciate our family, friends and community. As I reflect on my abundance of Thanksgiving, I am both humbled and grateful.
Every day, thousands of people immigrate to America to pursue the American Dream; a dream of economic prosperity, success and freedom. From 1945 to the mid-1970s, productivity in the United States experienced significant growth, and middle-class Americans shared in the gains. Their earnings increased in correlation to productivity increases. Middle-class Americans were thriving and making a life for themselves and their families.
Flash forward to today. Productivity has continued to rise, but so have the cost of living and the national debt, while earnings have remained stagnant due to payroll tax increases. More money is coming out of your paychecks than ever before, making the American Dream a concept of the past.