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Information and Resources That May Help Save a Life

By Sheriff Frank Reynolds

Each year, the Cherokee Marshalls Office keeps a statistical report of all death investigations within the county, which includes the Sheriffs Office and each of the municipalities. In 2018, there were 133 death investigations within the county. The manner of death is ruled by both the Coroners Office and the state crime lab, which may include accidental, accidental overdose, fire, homicide, natural, suicide, and undetermined. The coroner and crime lab reports often rely on toxicology results before making a final determination as to the cause of death.

Last year, there were 33 reported cases of suicide. However, that number could increase, as cases are still being finalized. These investigations are some of the most troubling, as detectives must search for reasons that may lead a person to consider suicide. According to the Georgia Survivor Family Network, an estimated 43,000 Americans commit suicide each year, and almost 1,300 of those are Georgians.

There are many risk factors that may lead a person to consider harming themselves:
Child abuse or neglect
Alcohol and/or drug abuse
Exposure to suicidal behavior by others
History of depression or other mental illness
Family history of suicide

The warning signs of someone contemplating suicide may vary from person to person. However, there are some common factors/warning signs to consider when someone is trying to cope with pain and may be having suicidal thoughts or tendencies.

A person contemplating suicide may exhibit these warning signs:
Increased substance abuse
Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep, or sleeping all the time
Withdrawn from friends and family
Rage, uncontrolled anger, seeking revenge
Talking or writing about death
Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking

Another aspect of suicide are the loved ones left behind (survivors). A survivor of suicide is any person who has lost a loved one to suicide. It could be the loss of a family member, friend, client, or co-worker. Loss is relative to the relationship with the person, so all who are impacted by the loss are considered a survivor of suicide. -Georgia Survivor Family Network

Survivors often feel guilt, shock, and blame when learning that someone close to them has taken his/her life. Resources are available for people who are affected by suicide. One such group is the Georgia Survivor Family Network (

If you (or someone you know) are considering suicide,
or you are a survivor and need to talk, please reach out to someone to help you cope with your pain. There are many resources available to you.

Georgia Crisis & Access Line 800-715-4225
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255)