As I write this column, we are amid our 2021 legislative session. I am working on several important priorities and continuing my efforts to serve you in a responsible, respectful, and results-oriented manner. In the last 10 years, I have watched many people take an unprofessional, harsh, and nasty approach to so many things, and politics is a big part. It has been propagated by keyboard warriors and social media as well as the press sensationalizing everything.
I recently spoke to a constituent and asked if her profane approach toward me would be something she will teach her children. She replied, "no," and we started our conversation over. It is time we returned to the golden rule. We can debate or disagree, but we can do so in a civil and reasonable manner. As a child, I was taught that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Please join me in choosing to conduct mature and professional discourse that demonstrates patriotism and positive examples for future generations.With many people safely at work and others embracing a home/virtual work environment, Georgia is continuing to thrive economically. There will likely be a "new normal" post COVID-19, and we can appreciate the lessons we learned during this pandemic. For example, a routine of teleworking can help families have more time together, and it can greatly reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Teleworking can also help North Fulton businesses, and I hope you will join the Albers family by patronizing our local merchants. I recently met with some constituents who were new to Georgia. I asked them why they moved here, and the answer I received was the same as what other newcomers have told me. They moved out of states that overly taxed them, drove out businesses and job creators, and were unsafe and ultimately not a place they wanted to raise their family or retire. This is a real problem for many Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast states. While I was not born in Georgia, I have lived here most of my life. I am proud to call this state my home, and I will do everything possible to protect it. I want to encourage Georgia newcomers to do proper research in future elections to avoid the problems you escaped from in other states. If we adopt policies in Georgia that mirror those with problems in other states, we will have the same poor outcomes. We need to stay uniquely Georgia and focus on continued economic growth, public safety, education, and positive solutions, so remember the reasons you chose to move here.It is my sincere hope and prayer that this summer/fall will allow us to return to a more normal day-to-day life. Many of us are looking forward to a vacation or reunion with friends and family. When this time occurs, please consider keeping your vacation in Georgia to support our local economy. We have wonderful amenities from mountains, beaches, cities, museums, historic towns, campgrounds, lakes, resorts, etc. You can learn more at