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Thankful To Be Grateful

Thankful — Conscious of benefits received.
Grateful ­— Appreciative of benefits received.

The above definitions are from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus. Though people often use these words interchangeably, I think it's important to note the difference. To be conscious of something means we acknowledge it, but perhaps it doesn't always mean we appreciate it. And though times can be tough, I've always found that when I take time to consider everything that I'm grateful for, I become overwhelmed by the abundance of life's blessings.

Speaking of blessings, over the last 10 years, Family Life Magazines has been blessed to partner with more than 100 community charities to help raise awareness about their important causes. This month, we've compiled a list of all our Community Partners that are still active (see pages 20-21). We hope you will check it out and choose to support a cause that is near and dear to your heart. Each charity is a certified 501c3 nonprofit, so all donations are tax-deductible. If a financial contribution isn't in your budget, many organizations also need volunteers for various tasks and events.

Another way to give back this holiday season is by shopping at small local businesses. Though it may be convenient to jump online and order from a large e-commerce company, when you shop at small businesses in Woodstock, you're actually stimulating the local economy, creating jobs, putting children through school, and helping a neighbor realize their dream.

This Thanksgiving, as we gather with friends and family, I hope we are all conscious of the benefits (thankful) of being grateful (appreciative) for all we have because whatever we choose to focus on tends to multiply.

"Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which, in turn, pulls more goodness into your reality." –Jen Sencero

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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