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Follow the Yellow Brick Road to a Healthier You

By Laura Mikszan

Its a new year, and many individuals are searching for the Emerald City of health and wellness. People wake up after the tumultuous twister of the holidays, and they realize they are not in Kansas anymore. The pounds have packed on, and they need a path to follow much like the "yellow brick road."

Like Dorothy, many begin the path alone, staring across a strange land of fitness and nutrition, unsure of how long the road will stretch out before them. For many people, starting on a journey toward health and wellness can be an intimidating process, as there is a plethora of information on the internet and social media.

Lets take a closer look at Dorothys journey and the guidance she received from friends and mentors along the way. Glenda the Good Witch appeared during adversity and provided positive support. When working toward goals, an experienced coach can guide you and get you to your goal faster, and a group of like-minded individuals will keep you motivated and committed along the way.

Just like the Scarecrow realized, your brain is important to achieving your goals, or more specifically, having the proper mindset and level of confidence is pertinent.

The Tin Man knew that having the heart, passion, and purpose to be healthy was essential.

Last but not least, the Cowardly Lion understood that having courage is key to being successful. Your willingness to stay on the path and make any necessary lifestyle changes to reach your goal will definitely take courage.

There will be flying monkeys aggravating you with temptations, and wicked witches will try to stop you in your tracks. People around you will stop searching for the Emerald City and try to drag you down with them. You must maintain the positive mindset, heart, and courage you started your journey with, and continue down the yellow brick road. Try not to start and stop; stay on the steady path.

The real story here is about what each of us already possesses inside ourselves and that is the power to change our behavior and become who and what we want to be. Most of us just need a little nudge and accountability.

As Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion set off down the yellow brick road, they were each in search of something something, it turns out, that they already possessed. The Wizard of Oz knew they already had everything they needed; he just had to show them how to believe it.

While maintaining healthy habits is not as easy as clicking your heels together, a few adjustments to nutrition and your exercise regimen coupled with confidence and a strong belief in yourself are all steps in the right direction on the yellow brick road to a healthier you!

Youve always had the power, my dear, youve had it all along, Glenda the Good Witch, The Wizard of Oz.

The Power for Transformation Its All in a N.A.M.E.

Just like Glenda the Good Witch stated, the power is within you to make a transformation. You dont need a wizard. Click your heels, and refer to the acronym N.A.M.E to keep you on your path.

N Nutrition is most important. You cannot out train poor nutrition, or in other words, you cannot outrun your fork. Rather than omitting entire food groups, balance and moderation are key. Replace thorough restriction with thoughtful reduction. Aim to reduce portion sizes, and eat more frequently. Follow the 30/10 rule: no more than 30 grams of carbs and at least 10 grams of protein at each meal and snack.

A - Attitude A can-do attitude is a must! Alleviate negative self talk. Surround yourself with positive people who will hold you accountable and support you along your path to a new you. Naysayers may try to derail your progress, especially if they have stepped off the yellow brick road. Stay focused and positive.

M Mindset goes hand in hand with a positive attitude. Have complete belief in yourself. Refer to Glenda, and remember, Youve always had the power, and you CAN do this!

E Exercise Starting a new fitness program or getting back into a routine can be overwhelming. Begin cautiously, and progress slowly. Create a balance by combining some form of aerobic exercise with strength training. Building lean muscle will fire up your metabolism and burn more calories at rest. Stay off the scale when starting a new routine. Instead, monitor your weight loss in inches and body composition measurements. It is best to work with a fitness professional to assist in designing your program.

Last but not least, allow time for recovery. Many people start exercising with frenzied zeal working out too long or too intensely only to give up when their muscles and joints become sore or injured. Build additional activity into your daily routine. Schedule exercise into your calendar as you would any appointment.

Good luck, and enjoy your yellow brick road to a new transformation!

Laura Mikszan is the owner of Fitfully Forward, LLC. She is a Certified Group and Personal Fitness Instructor with a Precision Sports/Exercise Nutrition Certification as well as a Lifestyle Transformation Certification, SCW. 770-617-6895.