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Book Review: Burial for a King

By Annell Gerson

In 2005, Ann Siebert began One City - One Read in her Roswell community.  The program, now called Roswell Reads and propelled by a volunteer steering committee, continues to expand and utilize literacy as a means of sparking conversation. Roswell Reads allows readers the opportunity to collectively examine relevant issues, establish bonds, and forge a better understanding of their community and society.

As 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., the committees current selection, Burial for a King: Martin Luther Kings Funeral and the Week that Transformed Atlanta and Rocked the Nation, is most fitting. Written by Rebecca Burns, former editor of Atlanta Magazine, current publisher of The Red and Black, and part-time instructor at UGA, the book meticulously chronicles the historical sequence of events beginning the morning of April 5, continuing to April 10, 1968. From the perspective of family, civic leaders, celebrities, MLKs inner circle of friends, and SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) members that spanned the nation including happenings inside the White House, Atlantas Governors Mansion, the King home, Atlantas airport, churches, universities, and the streets of some of the 110 cities overcome by riots,  Burns creates a frame-by-frame recreation of the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated through the day following his burial.

The world aimed its camera on Atlanta, home to the man Walter Cronkite would call ...the apostle of nonviolence. Atlanta would need to navigate its own grief while simultaneously playing host to nearly 150,000 mourners representing the largest funeral ever held for a U.S. Citizen from all over the globe. The city dubbed too busy to hate lived up to its reputation and emerged as a new kind of southern city.

Roswell Reads will sponsor a luncheon with author Rebecca Burns at 11:00am on March 17 at the Roswell Adult Recreation Center. In addition, they have organized a MLK walking tour, writing workshop, family program, and more. Visit for details and to purchase luncheon tickets.