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Canton Local Interests





Local Seniors Named 2014 Georgia Scholars

Kristin Andreassen, Lori Estes and Caitlyn McCord, all seniors of Creekview High School, were selected as 2014 Georgia Scholars by the Georgia Dept. of Education. Only 116 students statewide were selected as Georgia Scholars for 2014.

According to the Georgia Dept. of Education, the honor recognizes students who have "exhibited excellence in all phases of school life, in community activities, and in the home; carried exemplary course loads during the four years of high school; performed excellently in all courses; successfully participated in interscholastic events at their schools and in their communities; and assumed active roles in extracurricular activities sponsored by their schools."

John Barge, school superintendent for the State of Georgia, said, "There is only one thing I can say about our 116 Georgia Scholars, and that is: I am so proud to call each of you a student in the state of Georgia. I know this honor is, for each of you, the result of many years of hard work, perseverance and dedication. Again, all of us at the Department are proud of each one of you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors."

The 2014 Georgia Scholars will receive a special seal for their diplomas.